Friday, February 25, 2011

My Life is Over...

"You like HIM?! No way!"

Well, not really over. It's just that the guy I like found out I liked him. Here's the story...

  1. A long time ago, I told only the friends I knew and trusted.
  2. Then, I made an agreement with one of my guy friends that if he told me who he liked, I'd tell him who I liked. I told him.
  3. During P.E., me and my friend were talking and another girl came up. She asked us what we were talking about, and my friend accidentally let it slip. (I wasn't mad though, she would have found out sooner or later anyways.)
  4. I told my other friend in computer class. She promised she wouldn't tell.
  5. The girl in P.E. who came up told me that he had found out, and he asked her about it at lunch. She lied and told him I didn't like him. 
  6. Today, that same friend from computer class asked me if the guy I liked's brother knew. No, he didn't. She asked if she could tell. No, of course!
  7. She didn't tell, but as soon as I wasn't looking, she started to talk. I put my hand over her mouth just before she could say his name. 
  8. She ended up mouthing it to his brother, but I don't think he fully understood.
  9. She typed it, then she showed it to his brother. Now he knew. I told him not to tell.
  10. He did.

Now the guy I like knows I like him. I'm kind of glad that friend told, because I've kinda been wanting to tell him for a while. I just haven't had the guts to do it. =D

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