Saturday, February 26, 2011


I was at my brother's baseball tryouts and all of a sudden someone shouted:

"There's a ladybug on your boot!"

I looked down at my UGG and saw not one, but two ladybugs.

I told my dad to come over and said, "Dad, look! I have two ladybugs on top of each other on my boot!"

My sister said, "Look, one's hurt and the other one is carrying him on his back!"

My brother said, "Look! They're wrestling!"

My dad said, "Nope... I think they're mating."


  1. scarlett~ love this, it's HOT! let me know when u write your first novel, i want to have a part in it. maybe your dad's boss!?

  2. I LOVE UGGS they rock!
    Go Scarlet! :)
