Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tons of Starburst Wrappers!

Hello! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while... I've been busy. While I was at camp with my two best friends, Emmie and Carla, my parents sent me packages every day. In every package was candy, and in some were a magazine or t-shirt. The candy that was in every package was... Starbursts! On the first day, my parents and sister had sent me a package with a camp t-shirt and a pack of Starbursts. Not just any Starbursts... RARE Starbursts. Ones they don't sell anymore. (Or so the website says...)

On the website, it shows all the Starburst chews that they sell, but this one isn't on there!
The sweet blue raspberry one was really good, and the sour green apple was DISGUSTING. The other two were normal. I got every Starburst pack except the original at camp. Now I have a lot of wrappers, and I'm too lazy to count them.

I separated them into flavors.
This is what they all look like when they're piled
on top of each other!

...and this is them in a rubber band. The stack
is so much smaller now!

(The pictures are shaped funny and its a little blurry because they were taken with an iPad)



  1. I will BUY THOSE HOW MUCH?!

  2. sorry but theyre not for sale. i love them too much!! :)

  3. Where does one buy these discontinued limited edition Starbursts? I need blue wrappers so bad haha!

    1. im actually not sure. i got a pack of sweet and sours at a local Kerr Drug when they were still discontinued. i went back later for more and they had stopped selling them.
