Monday, June 6, 2011

Birthday Cake Makin'

Just gotta warn you guys: this is a really long post. Making a cake takes many steps, you know. Hang in there. =)

These are the ingredients we started with.

I got to mix the cake batter. It looked a bit like melted snow
cream when I was done!

We had to cover the pans with vegetable oil and then flour
to prevent the cakes from sticking.

They smelled so good!

I just happened to notice that when the cakes were turned
upside down, they looked kinda like vanilla wafers.

It's a cake sandwich!

I got to frost the top of the cake.

It looked really good when we were finished frosting all the
way around the cake.

I licked the knife. =)
(That's my dad in the background)

Then we put icing on the cake. It said you needed a tip, but
we didn't have one, so we just used the tube.

After the icing, we had to put the candles on.

It's time to decorate the cake with Reese's Pieces, Mom's

I spilled.

We had to put some back in the bag since too many came out.
Cool picture, huh? It shows them going back into the bag.

I started to decorate the "face" of the cake.

I put more in my hand and decorated the outside edge.
This picture was taken from a funny angle, so it makes my
head and neck look weird. =)

I was careful not to spill this time. =)

I looked at my cat, who was watching every move I made.

This is the finished cake. I bet you didn't know we were
professionals, huh? =)

The cake is for my mom. It's her birthday today. I love you, Mom! <3

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