Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dance and Drama

Tryouts were today... I'm wondering if I made it. If I don't make it, I don't think it's that big of a deal. People try, and sometimes they fail. That's the only way to succeed. =)

They do this thing called improv (it's really called improvisatory) where they talk to you and give you random questions or scenarios that you have to respond to in a creative way. My improv thing was:
I responded with:
"Vwat you vant?"
They asked, "Where's the bathroom?"
I raised one eyebrow and said, "Oh, zat. Turn de corner and go left."
Then the girl asking me the question looked at me and said, "Why thank you! Nice meeting you!" and we shook hands. Then the director said, "next."

It was so much fun! =D


  1. Hey - I go to a Performing Arts School, so I know exactly what your talking about!!! We have a PA (Performing Arts) Block in the beginning of the day and your choices are Dance (required at least two times in a six day schedule cause we don't have gym), Drama, Stage Craft (Costumes and Sets), Multi Media (Lights and Sound), Vocal, and Band (I play French Horn). Hope you got in!!!

  2. Wow, are you in that program? Sounds like fun! And no, I did not get in, but thats okay, because I can apply for photography and videography!
