Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jackets and Short Skirts

I was having fun with my Aeropostale sweat jacket and I figured out that you could tighten the strings:

I look kind of creepy, right? Like... a girl with a hood creepy?

Don't worry! It's still me!

Greenish-teal ninja... sort of...

I would be in SOO much trouble if I wore this to school!! 

See how short it is?

Well, that's about it. So... 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Braces Colors

I changed my braces colors today after eating an Oreo Krispy Kreme donut. I changed them to orange and blue:

Tornado Warning!

We have a tornado warning in effect right now. Last time we had a tornado warning, it resulted in about 60 tornadoes (not joking) and quarter-sized hail. So... I hope nothing like that happens this time!



I helped my sister decorate for her party yesterday. We came up with some pretty cool ideas!

Isn't that cool? Look at the polka dotted streamers! I wonder if they have striped ones, too...

That little fluffy thing in the corner is actually my cat.
She kept getting in the way. =D

   I tried to make facial hair, but I guess it failed. =)

Monday, April 25, 2011


Okay, so I'm wearing these... colorful shorts! I love them! They're so cool! =)

Aren't they colorful?? =D They so fit me!! =)

Sunburns and Little Cookies

I finally got to eat these little cookies after a long while of saving them for after Lent was over:

You might also notice that I'm a little redder in the face than usual. Look under my eyes...

We went to the beach this weekend, and I got a little burnt. =)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dance and Drama

Tryouts were today... I'm wondering if I made it. If I don't make it, I don't think it's that big of a deal. People try, and sometimes they fail. That's the only way to succeed. =)

They do this thing called improv (it's really called improvisatory) where they talk to you and give you random questions or scenarios that you have to respond to in a creative way. My improv thing was:
I responded with:
"Vwat you vant?"
They asked, "Where's the bathroom?"
I raised one eyebrow and said, "Oh, zat. Turn de corner and go left."
Then the girl asking me the question looked at me and said, "Why thank you! Nice meeting you!" and we shook hands. Then the director said, "next."

It was so much fun! =D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Yep... I just got diagnosed with allergies to pollen. No actually I'm just kidding but I do have allergies. Since we didn't have pollen in California and now we do here, I've never actually had allergies like this before... strange...